Probably this is the best advice of all. It si the only way to deal with those
that snipe.
Mike Ford wrote:
> >About a week ago I put a bid on a Micro PDP-11/23 on ebay. I was top
> >bidder until the end. Of course the end was when I was asleep (3 AM)
> The bidding doesn't start until the end on most items. I prefer not to bid
> at all until the end so I don't "show my hand" on higher priced items.
> Either bid at the end, and I mean well within the last minute if not the
> last 10 seconds or so, or bid the full amount you are willing to pay for
> the item.
Dr. Randy M. Kaplan
publisher, knowldgWORKS News
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Received on Sun Oct 17 1999 - 19:27:10 BST