What's an RX01 drive worth to a commercial user?

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Thu Oct 28 12:00:34 1999

>I just got a call from a place I used to work (Lucent). They have a bad
>RX01 drive and want to buy a replacement. I have more than one, and I can
>get their bad one as part of the deal. The problem is what to charge? I
>have absolutely no idea what a reasonable price is to deliver a working drive
>and haul away the broken one.
>Any suggestions?

Why would you want to charge Lucent a "reasonable" price? ;)

I would call a few of the legacy support outfits, then cut their price by
whatever percent feels right to you. Your not exactly doing a "small"
service for them either.
Received on Thu Oct 28 1999 - 12:00:34 BST

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