What's an RX01 drive worth to a commercial user?

From: Ethan Dicks <ethan_dicks_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu Oct 28 14:29:21 1999

--- allisonp_at_world.std.com wrote:
> What traffic will support. I'd go for $100 <minimum>.

My research reveals that the going rate is $250 - $300 from a reseller.

> FYI the old one is very likely just a dirty head or missing pressure pad if
> it's not a power problem.

They have already diagnosed the problem to a transistor on the upper board
(you know, the ones that heat up enough to discolor the circuit board). I
guess they just don't want to mess with the problem.


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Received on Thu Oct 28 1999 - 14:29:21 BST

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