What's an RX01 drive worth to a commercial user?

From: Lawrence LeMay <lemay_at_cs.umn.edu>
Date: Thu Oct 28 14:27:44 1999

> --- John B <dylanb_at_sympatico.ca> wrote:
> > >Well... reasonable cuts both ways. Perhaps I should have said, "I want to
> > >gouge them, but not so much they buy one from someone else... how bad can
> > >I make it hurt?" Is that better? ;-)
> > >
> >
> > I wonder if they will make YOU *hurt* when they go to get rid of the
> > equipment they have.
> I used to work there. I *can't* get the cool stuff out. All of it goes in
> containers to scrappers. They have a room with three 11/44's, TC11's on
> each and several TU55's. I was unable to get any cooperation in rescuing
> any of it when the room gets emptied.

TU55's ?? Now you're making me mad.

> I watched as a box with 100+ UNIBUS boards was loaded onto a forklift, core
> boards on top. It all went to the melter.

Core on top... I would be really mad, if I wasnt stunned by this..

> They are a large company with inflexible large company policied. I have no
> pity for Lucent.
> -ethan

-Lawrence LeMay
Received on Thu Oct 28 1999 - 14:27:44 BST

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