Nope, it is the siutcase style machine, with a 8088 processor (I checked in
wpinfo) Know where I can get any info on that??
On 9/6/99 at 10:05 AM, (Bill Sheehan) wrote:
> Hermz,
> When you say that this is the original Compaq, do you mean that it is the
> Compaq Portable (suitcase-sized, 9" monitor) or the Compaq Deskpro
> (standard CPU box and external monitor)?
> If the latter, it's actually an 8086 box. It's scrupulously
> IBM-compatible, and will run any software than ran on the IBM PC.
> Performance is a little better than the original PC.
> The floppy disk drives are double-sided, double-density, and can hold 360K
> of data each.
> There is quite literally a mountain of DOS software that will run on this
> beastie. You can also run CP/M-86, UCDS P-System, and even Xenix (if you
> can find it).
> You can find more info on Compaq's web site. Here's the URL for the
> Deskpro:
> Enjoy!
> -- Bill
Is da man!!</center>
Received on Mon Sep 06 1999 - 18:38:54 BST