--- Lance Lyon <black_at_gco.apana.org.au> wrote:
> > any ideas as to what might be wrong? any
> > common failures in A500 PS's?).
> Happened often, there were third party p/s's available that replaced the
> 500's brick.... I know, I had to buy one of 'em after my original died & an
> attempted repair didn't work :-(
The "Bigfoot" PSU for the A500 is just a 200-240W PC supply with an A500
cable coming out of it instead of the "standard" P8/P9 cables. If you
aren't afraid to solder, it's easy to make - get a cheap AT PSU, open it
up, remove the PCB, unsolder the old P8/P9 connectors, noting which colors
of wires go to which holes in the PCB, match the voltages for the A500 cable
and solder them in the correct holes. Some PSU PCBs have the output voltage
pads labeled. You can also cut the old wires and splice on the A500 power
cable on the inside or the outside of the PSU enclosure, but I prefer a
sturdier construction.
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Received on Sat Sep 11 1999 - 07:36:43 BST