> Sorry for the latecoming... but was out-of-electronic-touch for a week;
> just catching up.
> Rumor has it that Derek Peschel may have mentioned these words:
> >I wrote, and Fred Cisin replied:
> >
> >> > A display case shows the progression of storage disks, starting with
> >> > one from 1965 that's the size of a tractor-trailer tire. It held 2.5
> >> > megabytes of data and had to be sandblasted to be erased.
Cute line...
> --
> Roger "Merch" Merchberger --- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
> Recycling is good, right??? Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.
Actually, the disks I used to see that size (5 or 6 foot diameter) were
used by a couple of my fellow DEC Field Engineers as picnic table tops
when the drives were decommissioned. Aluminum makes a nice weatherproof
table top. (They must've come from KL10s or KA10s or KI10s, though.
I've never seen anything that large on minis...)
Don't know how the iron oxide does though. Perhaps they were painted
when used.
Three things never anger: First, the one who runs your DEC,
The one who does Field Service and the one who signs your check.
Received on Sat Sep 11 1999 - 08:14:23 BST