I have a QBus board that I would like to identify. Its made
by Digital Pathways and the model number is TCU-50 Rev A. It
is a quad size board and there are three small batteries in
the top right corner of the board. There are no peripheral
connectors on the card, so I figure its some type of clock
or possibly a small amount of battery backed up storage (the
machine it was take from was used for collecting process
data). Any ideas of what it might be?
Dr. Mark Green mark_at_cs.ualberta.ca
Professor (780) 492-4584
Director, Research Institute for Multimedia Systems (RIMS)
Department of Computing Science (780) 492-1071 (FAX)
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H1, Canada
Received on Sun Sep 19 1999 - 19:23:48 BST