On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Wayne Smith wrote:
> >>>> Don Maslin <donm_at_cts.com> 09/22 8:51 PM >>>
> >
> >I ran across a Texas Instruments Silent 700 Model 745 in a thrift
> >store today. This is the middle sized one - about the size of a small
> >portable typewriter - and appears complete (except for power cord) and
> >clean. It even has part of a roll of the thermal paper in it.
> >
> >If anyone wants it for $20 plus shipping, contact me off list and I'll
> >check if it is still there. (Good bet, I'd guess.)
> >
> > - don
> >
> I have one of these units, I think. Mine is called the "745 Portable,"
> TI Part No. 0983801-0003 and is about the size of an old Remington
> portable typewriter. Looks like an early 1970s model with a standard
> phone coupler and a 15-pin connector with an 8/7 pinout. Mine is in
> taupe colored plastic with a cover and four plastic connectors similar
> to the ones used with Osborne and Kaypro keyboards. The quality of
> construction is quite high and the keyboard has a nice feel. There is
> a picture of one shown at VCF 1.0 at:
> http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw/vcf-09.jpg
> Is it the same unit, Don?
Sounds like a twin, Wayne!
- don
Received on Thu Sep 23 1999 - 17:49:03 BST