RCA 1861, NTSC and a DEC VR-201

From: Ethan Dicks <ethan_dicks_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Fri Sep 24 08:35:38 1999

--- allisonp_at_world.std.com wrote:
> But vr201 is not NSTC timing or scan rates.

Sure it is. I'm driving this one from an Amiga 2000, right off the mono RCA
jack on the back. I made a cable with a DB-15 connector for the VR-201 end
and an RCA jack and HDD power socket for the Amiga end. I fire up the Amiga
to see the animation of the kickstart disk self-inserting.

> No way. It's not the 30hz in frequency it's the serperate sync and
> different front and back porch timing.

Front and back porch timing I can perhaps see. There is no seperate sync
on a VR201. It has a pin for Mono Composite In. I'd post the pin-out, but
it's at home and I'm not.
> It's a misapplication, Vr201 is not a generic monitor.

I realize that the VR-201 is not generic, but it is handy when I need a
mono monitor in a semi-portable situation (I once took my A2000 in the
Bomac tower case to an Amiga show in Columbus and ran it with this VR-201
to save space)


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Received on Fri Sep 24 1999 - 08:35:38 BST

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