So what people are telling me is this is basically just an XT to me
unless I have something that uses 3270 terminals to hook it up to.
Then I can use it as a terminal. That is if I can get the special
keyboard and monitor. Is that right? Well I did just give a bunch of
furniture in my storeroom to my brother which freed up some
space. I guess I could hold on to it for a while just in case
something turned up. Hmmmm.
On 23 Sep 99, at 22:05, Jay Jaeger wrote:
> The part quoted below about the display was incorrect. A true 3270 PC
> used a special display adapter as well as a special keyboard adapter and
> some special expansion memory (cabled to the keyboard adapter, if I recall
> correctly). However, you can pull all of that out, and you will have a
> more or less standard XT. You can leave the coax card in, if it suits
> your fancy, and you have a 327x controller around somewhere... 8-)
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Fri Sep 24 1999 - 09:29:50 BST