iOpener Update

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 10:04:46 2000

> >Ugh, then I found this site.
> >Simply put netpliance has done some ugly hacking on these themselves.
> >Wonder if thier 'hack proofing' will shorten the systems lifespan.

> One can hope, tons of bad karma and just maybe a bug crept in during the
> hacking of the bios that is now epoxied in, the company goes down the
> toilet and all the original hackable systems show up for sale even cheaper
> with no QNX to run on.

Stock is already dropping to ~11 USD.
In my mind it's again a typical example how a company
is created to market a usefull idea, but soon the suit
and business plan guys take over - of course they are
missing the guts to stand a situation of free market.
Everybody is yelling for 'Visions' but as soon as they
apear, no business plan will allow them to survive...


VCF Europa am 29./30. April 2000 in Muenchen
Received on Thu Apr 06 2000 - 10:04:46 BST

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