Complete List Archives Available!

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Mon Apr 10 16:41:41 2000

> One of the things I'm considering is making a CD-rom distribution of the
> list archives available to list members; any interest? It would allow for
> faster searching and accessability to the archives for someone working on
> a classic system not in the immediate vicinity of an internettable
> computer. I could make it available as an ISO image download by individual
> request, or burn CD's here for the cost of media/shipping.

> I still need to add the search capability, so I'm seriously looking for
> someone with experience setting up Glimpse or something similar. Also, any
> ideas for setting this up for a CD version would be appreciated.

What about adding an HTML search interface ?
A CD should give enough space to add several indices, so
some search trees can be added upfront (fixed). Also,
if search programms may be written in perl, they should be
fairly system independant.


VCF Europa am 29./30. April 2000 in Muenchen
Received on Mon Apr 10 2000 - 16:41:41 BST

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