I know Kevan indicated recently that he was in the process of rebuilding
his archives, and I'm not sure of the current status of that, but in the
meantime I've put up all archives since March of 1997 (start of the list)
http://www.retrobytes.org. I can't express how many times his archives
saved me and I just wanted to get that information back up for the public
as soon as possible.
I was a little shocked when I sent the U Washington Listproc server an
"index" command and found that they still had all of the list archives
Another thing that amazed me was how *prolific* this list has been in the
past. One month (April 1999) was just shy of *3000* messages! I haven't
totaled everything, but I would easily guess that there's upwards of
50,000 messages for the last three years. What an unbelievable technical
resource! I think there was a comment about the volume of messages that
Tony Duell posts; if you have any doubt, look through any of the months by
Author to see just *how much* he contributes here.
One of the things I'm considering is making a CD-rom distribution of the
list archives available to list members; any interest? It would allow for
faster searching and accessability to the archives for someone working on
a classic system not in the immediate vicinity of an internettable
computer. I could make it available as an ISO image download by individual
request, or burn CD's here for the cost of media/shipping.
I still need to add the search capability, so I'm seriously looking for
someone with experience setting up Glimpse or something similar. Also, any
ideas for setting this up for a CD version would be appreciated.
Special thanks to Hans Franke for supplying me with his saved archives,
before I knew about UWash's listproc archive...
Received on Sat Apr 08 2000 - 16:01:14 BST