Apple Mac (was: !Re: Nuke Redmond!)

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Tue Apr 11 08:24:06 2000

Subject: Re: Apple Mac (was: !Re: Nuke Redmond!)
From: Mark Green <>
Date sent: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 19:23:13 -0600 (MDT)
Send reply to:

> > > Maybe not quite as bad as TI, although that $150 "developers club" affair
> > > is pretty close (at least to me, who was a starving college student at the
> > > time).
> > Apple gave the Inside Macintosh stuff to pretty much any University or
> > College that wanted it.

> No they didn't, at least not outside the US. I believe we got a 10%
> to 15% discount, but not much more. I started Mac development in
> 1984, when they first came out. We had to buy a Lisa and the Pascal
> development environment, pretty much at list price in order to do
> any programming on the Mac. Within a year we were cross developing
> on Unix, Apple's support for their own development environment was
> so poor it wasn't worth using.

Same over here in Germany - you had to pay (almost) full
price for every copy of the MacPascal and for every set
of Documentation (Inside MacIntosh). And you had to get
the developer licence - and this was a person by person
licence - you couldn't just order 10 licences for a
computer class ! So Apple missed the 110% of the education
market in Germany. Even remaining Apple nests have been
converted to PC.


VCF Europa am 29./30. April 2000 in Muenchen
Received on Tue Apr 11 2000 - 08:24:06 BST

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