Lubing Shugart 800,801's?

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Thu Apr 13 13:06:40 2000

When they say "do not lubricate ..." they're not lying! The grit and grime
that finds its way into the leadscrew will act as lapping compound and
abrade the lead screw, which in most of the newer lead-screw-driven
mechanisms is plastic, and soon, you'll have a drive with too much backlash
on the lead screw, which will result in positioning error, depending on the
direction in which the lead screw was last moved. I would probably feel
comfortable cleaning out the gunk with a penetrating oil wuch as what you
mentioned, but I would vigorously pursue the problem of getting the rest of
the sticky residue out with a volatile solvent.

That, in turn, threatens to soften the plastic head-assembly, part of which
is the "nut" for the lead screw, so don't get any of the benzene or methyl
alcohol, or acetone, on the plastic parts, lest they soften and change their

I'd suggest that you look at the service manual and consider whether this
bothers you enough to warrant going through the painstaking process of
disassembling and cleaning the head transports in order to get rid of the
grease. If you're careful, you might find a way to brush out the threads,
but they'll continue to accumulate dirt and grit so long as you have grease
on the "nut" which is part of the head assembly. The only sure way is to
disassemble and clean them such that they don't have a place for the grease
to hide.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:53 AM
Subject: Lubing Shugart 800,801's?

> I've been sorting through a large pile of Shugart 800's and 801's here,
> and many of them have goo on the head stepper lead screw. It looks
> like white lithium grease, undoubtedly put there by a previous owner
> or all-thumbs tech, as the Shugart manuals say (section 3.3):
> Do not lubricate the SA800/801; oil will allow dust and dirt to
> accumulate.
> However the goo got there on the leadscrew, it's so thick now that it's
> quite difficult to turn it - not only is the stepper motor not up to the
> job, I can barely turn it by hand in some cases.
> I have found that "Liquid Wrench" (yes, that stuff you get at the auto
> parts store) does a pretty good job of at least softening the goo
> enough so that I can actually run the drive through diagnostics,
> but eventually the solvents evaporate and I'm left with thick goo. Is
> there an easy way to clean this goo off without completely disassembling
> the stepper motor/leadscrew assembly and doing the subsequent realignment?
> I can go in and do a half-assed job of cleaning the goo off the threads
> with Q-tips and skewers, but there's really a lot there and this doesn't
> get it all.
> --
> Tim Shoppa Email:
> Trailing Edge Technology WWW:
> 7328 Bradley Blvd Voice: 301-767-5917
> Bethesda, MD, USA 20817 Fax: 301-767-5927
Received on Thu Apr 13 2000 - 13:06:40 BST

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