New finds

From: wanderer <>
Date: Sat Apr 15 04:27:14 2000

Just collected some intresting material yesterday, a Calcomp drum
plotter with pen kit and documentation, but missing the power and
interface cable, VAX 750 engineering drawings, 3 KFQSA (M7769) boards,
a Emulex TQ14 tape interface, which can either emulate a TSV05 or the
TMSCP interface. I also found a MS810 memory board and a microfiche
library with 536 fiches for VMS 4.4.

All is for trade (but prefer exchange for PDP Unibus related stuff).

Regarding the Calcomp plotter, does somebody have the RT-11 driver
for this one, I do have the hardware interface already.



The Wanderer                          | Geloof nooit een politicus!                       | Europarlementariers: zakken-      | vullers en dumpplaats voor
Unix Lives!  windows95/98 is rommel!  | mislukte politici.
'96 GSXR 1100R / '97 TL1000S          | 
See for a funny pic. of
Received on Sat Apr 15 2000 - 04:27:14 BST

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