>$ unzip :== $$2$dka500:[bin]unzip.exe
>$ xfig == "_at_$2$DKA500:[BIN.XFIG32]XFIG.COM"
>$ mxrn :== $$2$dka500:[bin]mxrn
Actually, you might want to do a HELP DEFINE and learn how to set
up logicals. Hard-coded device names scattered throughout a bunch of
command files are a pain in the rear when you later move stuff between
disks or consolidate disks. Wouldn't you rather say DISK$BIN: than
$$2$dka500: ?
On a small system the advantage may not be so obvious, but when you've
got a medium-sized VMScluster (a couple dozen CPU's, a few hundred disks),
especially with a mix of Alpha and VAX CPU's, it really pays off.
Tim Shoppa Email: shoppa_at_trailing-edge.com
Trailing Edge Technology WWW: http://www.trailing-edge.com/
7328 Bradley Blvd Voice: 301-767-5917
Bethesda, MD, USA 20817 Fax: 301-767-5927
Received on Thu Apr 27 2000 - 07:57:06 BST