healyzh_at_aracnet.com wrote:
> > Well due to budget concerns (my wife and CFO :-) has nixed the ebid on
> > the PDP 11-23. It can be found at:
> Smile, and keep your eyes open for a better system. As has been pointed out
> it doesn't have any serial port boards and it took Allison's note to get me
> to wondering if there are even any on the CPU board... There are on my
> /23+'s, but not on my /23. There is a good chance that isn't a usable
> system. Besides if that is a complete system it's probably in a 4' 19" rack!
> Zane
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I do have an offer to pick up a
VAX at the end of the year. A friend of a friend found out that I collect
old computers and has offered me a VAX from the mid 80's that he describes
as being 6 feet tall.
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry ncherry_at_home.net
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Received on Tue Aug 08 2000 - 19:58:36 BST