Original Apple II (not + or e or other)

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Mon Aug 21 20:56:50 2000

>On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, David Williams wrote:
>> What would you consider an original Apple II (not the II+ or IIe) to
>> be worth? I received one and I'm going to cover their shipping cost
>> but want to give a little something extra for the system. Got a
>> bunch of original doc, software, cards etc. with it. The only minus
>> is the original boot rom was exchanged with an auto-start rom. But
>> I have an original rom which was swapped with the auto-start rom
>> in an Apple II+ so I can make it whole again. :-)
>While thousands of them were produced, in my experience they are very
>uncommon in the wild and not easy to come by.
>I'd say an original one with original ROMs (Integer BASIC, etc), and
>original motherboard, is worth about $100.
>A little more if it comes with the original Apple ][ Reference manual (the
>Red book) and the BASIC programming manual (the Blue book).

The last red book, by itself sold for well over $100 on eBay.

OTOH I would be hard pressed to pay more than $25 for just the II.

I mention this not to set some "fair" price, but as an observation on how
difficult setting a fair price can be.

A better question is "what is it worth to YOU", then send guilt money as
Received on Mon Aug 21 2000 - 20:56:50 BST

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