> Apple is also offering owners of Twentieth Anniversary Macs with problems
> attractive upgrade offers.
Now the 20th anniversary mac I'd keep if I had one. Sure it's grossly
outclassed performancewise, but it's unique. There's nothing else like it
out there. Truely a collectable piece. 5300s are as common as dirt.
Another possible motivator I've heard is Apple would like to reduce its stock
of the current generation of G3 powerbook because it's about to announce
Personally I'm going for the deal. My 5300c has developed disk problems and
power problems and is slow as death. The new machine will have a much larger
disk, faster everything, a bigger screen and the ability to play DVDs for my
wife and I while we're on an airplane. For reference, a machine to do that
costs almost a thousand dollars by itself, and doesn't come with a screamin'
new powerbook.
Jim Strickland
BeOS Powered!
Received on Tue Aug 22 2000 - 12:56:55 BST