On Dec 7, 4:58, Iggy Drougge wrote:
> I downloaded the comp.sys.acorn FAQ, but it seems to have dumped info on
> machines no longer in production. Where may, pray tell, a guide to all
> Archimedes machines be located nowadays?
I've not read the Acorn FAQ for a while, but I have a copy dated 1996 which
says it was (is?) maintained by Philip Banks, and he had a machine list on
his server. Some of the questions do relate to the older machines (the
bits about video, for example, include appropriate information). The
machines I listed -- A310, A4xx, A540, R260 -- are mostly 8MHz and
12MHz-25MHz Arm2/Arm3 machines, originally with RISC OS 2 but usually found
with RISC OS 3.1 nowadays.
A quick look through it suggests that my old copy, at least, contains a
fair amount of relevant information; I can mail it to you if you like.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Received on Thu Dec 07 2000 - 02:56:38 GMT