--On Thursday, December 7, 2000 8:47 AM -0800 Sellam Ismail
<foo_at_siconic.com> wrote:
> Speaking of a witch, what's that method I heard about a long time ago
> whereby you can sand out the scratches on a music CD to make it not skip
> anymore? Something about using a real fine abrasive element?
> Is this possible? One of my favourite CDs skips terribly on one track and
> it really pisses me off, especially when I'm supposed to be mellowing out.
Toothpaste, believe it or not, works wonders. I've used regular Crest
on a couple of occasions to salvage CDs that got caught when the tray
-- Brian
Brian Harrington
Digital Knowledge Center
The Johns Hopkins University
Received on Thu Dec 07 2000 - 12:16:09 GMT