TV cards/WOZ disks

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 12:27:01 2000

> > You probably have a PeeCee, but I bought a Formac PCI tuner
> > card for my
> > PowerMac. After I had a mild brain fart getting the RF input
> I wish I had the cash to buy a PowerMac! Believe it or not our little one
> uses a Color Classic at school so she's right into Apples ATM :) She's only
> 4 1/2 but had no bother navigating her way round a Performer 475 last
> weekend!

Just to brag, my 7300 cost me exactly $0.00. :-) (Well, okay, and enough
worktime at my former place of employment where computers they don't want
anymore mysteriously end up in my possession.)

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 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
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Received on Fri Dec 15 2000 - 12:27:01 GMT

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