On Sat, 16 Dec 2000, R. D. Davis wrote:
> Greetings,
> Today I collected a Kaypro-4 that I notice is different from my
> present Kaypro-4. If it makes any difference, there's a rounf "84"
> sticker following Kaypro-4... is this a Kaypro-4 "84", whatever that
> is? In addition to two serial, and one parallel, ports, has a reset
> button and a fan in the back panel. Haven't time to open it up and
> look inside yet, but I wonder what other differences I'll discover -
> from what I could quickly tell with a flashlight, it didn't appear too
> unusual. Alas, it didn't come with floppies.
It should have the same motherboard as most of the other '84 series of
machines. Primarily characterized by the presence of a 50-pin header -
or at least the traces for it - that was used to interface to the
WD1002-HDO bridge HDC via a translation card that took the 50-pin
connection down to the 40-pins used on the WD unit.
It should also have a RTC and a 300 baud modem installed or, at least,
the traces for them. The boot EPROM is likely either numbered 81-292
or 81-478 on a paper label. Knowing that information, and if you have
access to TeleDisk, I can email you a disk image for it.
- don
> Other finds: an Apple Macintosn LC with an RGB monitor and an IBM PC
> Aptiva model S15 (I know, this doesn't qualify as a classic... I think
> it was made in 1994), which I bought primarily since the price was
> lower than the value of the Soundblaster-16 board, WD Caviar 2700 hard
> drive and 4x CD-ROM. Didn't determine the CPU in it yet, as the silicone
> between the IC and heat-sink was covering it up.
> --
> Copyright (C) 2000 R. D. Davis "The best way to gain a true understanding of
> All Rights Reserved Wile E. Coyote on the Roadrunner cartoons is to
> rdd_at_perqlogic.com 410-744-4900 fly, head-first, off a horse into something like
> http://www.perqlogic.com/rdd a fence or a tree; trust me, this works." --RDD
Received on Sat Dec 16 2000 - 18:51:14 GMT