Painting a VT-100 ?

From: Bill Pechter <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 06:05:55 2000

> Hello all!
> I'm a proud owner of two 102's and I just found a VT-100 (sans keyboard) and
> all of them have the same cosmetic problem ie. they're yellow. Different
> shades of yellow, one is mildly yellow, one is dark yellow etc.
> So, can anyone tell what was the original color (of the case, in case you
> didn't figure that out from my pretty poor English) in either approximated
> terms ("eye blinding white") or in something like Pantone:)
> I'd like to paint one of those VT's to get it as close as possible to the
> original color (I know you were thinking about flames and stuff when you saw
> the subject line. I did) I just don't know the correct shade.
> Re: computers and movies
> I think that Terminator II had a big bunch of HP 7925's blown up, they
> were those dishwasher sized disk drives. And WarGames had a couple
> of Televideo 950's (VT-100 like case but narrower). Does anyone know
> anything about the vector graphics used for big screens in the war room ?
> --
> jht

The real color on the VT100 was pretty much the color of ceiling white
house paint.

However, the yellow occurred pretty quickly on them and on DECwriters.

Cleaning with a paste of an mildly abrasive cleaner and water usually does
it for a while.

--    | FreeBSD since 1.0.2, Linux since 0.99.10  
                         | Unix Sys Admin since Sys V/BSD 4.2
                         | Windows System Administration: "Magical Misery Tour"
Received on Wed Dec 20 2000 - 06:05:55 GMT

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