> >From the other messgages you can guess this has to do with PPP and my
> Atari ST.
> The Atari is running MiNT which is a BSD variant. The machine has no MMU
> so no virtual memory and has no mathco, just the ol' 68000.
> I've got it dialing in via PPPD to my PC running Warp and a PPP server.
> No problems, can ping outside the intranet, name services, local servers
> like ftpd etcetera all work:
> on the pc:
> Eth0 - - connected to cable modem
> Eth1 - - Default router for intranet (NAT IP spoofing).
> Modem - PPP Server
> On the Atari st:
> PPP connection to PC (fixed ip of gets me internet access
> just as expected BUT I can't ping or otherwise access machines on my
> network other than the router (eth1) and (eth0). Why? It is acting as
> though I am on a different network on the far side of the router. The St's
> default router when connected is works too and
> the problem is unchanged.
OK, routing is working I would bet that you can ping the ip address of
_at_Home's router. If that is the case then I expect that you don't have
the resolver portion of the IP setup working.
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry (Text only) (Graphics) (SourceForge)
Received on Sun Dec 31 2000 - 14:10:55 GMT