Welcome Back! and Pro 350's

From: John Lawson <jpl15_at_netcom.com>
Date: Wed Feb 2 21:57:51 2000

  Very Big Welcome Back to the List... I was just starting to not
be able to control my withdrawal symptoms. Many Many thanks to Jay
and Derek for keeping this alive!

  While the List was sleeping, I was given two DEC Pro 350's, with a
huge box of software and docs. I have one up and running now, using
a VR241 RGB color display. (I have yet to try the other unit.) I
have about 20 grey DEC slipcover-type software packages, with 14 or
so being the communications set, but I also have the Install and
Maintenance, both Disk systems, Basic, Prose, and a third-party
database application builder called RDM by Interactive Technology
Inc. (2 copies of this).

  All of the slipcases contain diskettes, and most are still unopened
internally. Also in the load was the Technical manual and the
engineering printsets. Additionally there is a Floating Point adapter
in it's box... the maintenance program informs me that the unit I
have running contains one already, and 768 KW of RAM to go with the
5-meg Hard Drive.

I have no idea what this model must have cost in 1982 when it was
new, with 8-of-256 colors and as slow as it is... but it sure is
fascinating to see how far we've come.


Received on Wed Feb 02 2000 - 21:57:51 GMT

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