regarding the reply address on the list...

From: Paul Williams <>
Date: Thu Feb 3 03:07:08 2000

Rats...just been caught by the new reply mechanism. Grrr

"Zane H. Healy" wrote:
> >And while we are on the topic of the list server, is it possible to have a
> >common date stamp put on all messages that are sent out from the listserver?
> >One of the major pains I have is when messages come in from different time
> >zones, and this ^%$^&$ software (Netscape Mail) sorts the damn stuff by date
> >without the option of not sorting. Among other reasons, a common date stamp
> >makes it FAR easier to keep track of who might be responding to something
> >first.
> Oh, now that would be SERIOUSLY COOL! I'm using Eudora and sort stuff by
> date also. Drives me crazy when people have the clock on their computer
> *seriously* off.
> Although, thankfully doesn't sound like I've as much trouble as Netscape
> Mail causes.

I'd be surprised if Eudora used a different method of determining the
date and time for sorting purposes than Netscape does. Your message,
for example, was apparently sent at 00:44:48 -0800, and displays on my
screen as 08:44, because I'm on GMT (and using Netscape Messenger). So,
we're both reliant on senders having their clocks and timezones set

I'd object to some central server forging the best indication you've got
of how far along a conversation had got at the time I replied.
Received on Thu Feb 03 2000 - 03:07:08 GMT

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