regarding the reply address on the list...

From: Marvin <>
Date: Thu Feb 3 11:22:34 2000

Paul Williams wrote:

> > >And while we are on the topic of the list server, is it possible to have a
> > >common date stamp put on all messages that are sent out from the listserver?
> > >One of the major pains I have is when messages come in from different time
> > >zones, and this ^%$^&$ software (Netscape Mail) sorts the damn stuff by date
> > >without the option of not sorting. Among other reasons, a common date stamp
> > >makes it FAR easier to keep track of who might be responding to something
> > >first.
> >
> I'd object to some central server forging the best indication you've got
> of how far along a conversation had got at the time I replied.

I tolerate, but do not even slightly like, the fact that the dates that come
in are dependent on the senders time/date stamp. Putting a realistic time
stamp on a message is certainly not forging anything. Currently, messages
come in all over the place (with regard to time/date order). Is this good? I
think not!
Received on Thu Feb 03 2000 - 11:22:34 GMT

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