At 07:00 PM 2/2/00 -0800, wrote:
>> I'm not saying any of this to say how it should be set up. That's not my
>> call. I'm just saying what I've typically seen on other lists. If Derek
>> wants it changed to the old method, he can do it or he can call me to do it.
>> I personally prefer the new way, but my vote doesn't count! :)
>> Jay West
>I personally vote for the old way! I'm on quite a few different ML's and
>only the DECnet/Linux one does it this way. It's more of a pain to have to
>get the correct TO: with it set this way that the old way! Especially if
>I'm using 'elm', like right now, since I either have to forward it to the
>ML, or remember to chage the TO: after I'm done typing the message.
Zane and group,
The URL posted by Philip ( just previous to this msg (
FYI: and titled '
''Reply-To'' Munging Considered Harmful' ) is clear on making it easy for
you since you use Elm 2.5. Just hit "r" or "g" depending upon whether you
intend the msg to be private or to the group. Many of us have been bit by
sending an intended private reply to the whole list for example a monitary
offer negotiating for something offered for sale, a flame stating 'Yer
mamma wears army boots!', etc. This present classiccmp reply setting is
Good IMHO.
That munging article is a very good discussion on the subject even though
the author has a rather strong opinion against the automatic "Reply all"
list setting. I nevertheless follows my feeling on the matter.
I use Eudora and had just hit the "Reply All" button to publicly reply to
this msg as I do with several other lists I'm on.
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Thu Feb 03 2000 - 07:39:36 GMT