On Feb 3, 22:53, Glenatacme_at_aol.com wrote:
> Sadly, the WD1770 fcd IC in my home-brew fd i/o board finally gave up the
> ghost. Fourteen years of service is admirable -- when it finally
> I felt like weeping.
> Does anyone know of a source for these? Or the 1772 (I believe Tony
> once mentioned that the 1772 could replace the 1770 in most cases -- but
> could be wrong).
The 1772 was designed to be a plug-in replacement. The main (only?)
difference is in the programmed step rates.
> Also, I understand that the C64 floppy drives (1581?) used the 1770 but
> not a commie and can't immediately verify this.
I'd be surprised if so. I thought all Commodore micros apart from their
ill-fated PCs used GCR. There are plenty of list members who know much
more about C= stuff than I do, though...
Atari STs used the 1772, so that's another potential source.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Received on Fri Feb 04 2000 - 02:13:28 GMT