>Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000 09:14:09 -0500
>To: classiccmp_at_opal.tseinc.com (This address bounced)
From: "Charles E. Fox" <foxvideo_at_wincom.net>
>Subject: Re: classiccmp-digest V1 #3
>In-Reply-To: <200002031957.NAA33069_at_opal.tseinc.com>
> Since the restart of classiccmp I have only been getting
classiccmp-digest, not individual messages. This is really time consuming
as I have to check the entire message and not just the header. Is this a
feature of the new setup, or have I just been left off a list?
> Regards
> Charlie Fox
Charles E. Fox
Chas E. Fox Video Productions
793 Argyle Rd. Windsor N8Y 3J8 Ont. Canada
email foxvideo_at_wincom.net Homepage
Received on Fri Feb 04 2000 - 08:20:11 GMT