virtual hamfest was Re: couple of books, spring cleaning

From: Marvin <>
Date: Mon Feb 14 16:19:23 2000

John Lawson wrote:
> PS: How many Listmembers are also Hams? I know of at least ten or
> so of us... dah-dit dah-dit dah dah dit-dah..... QRZ?

If there are any physically active hams out there, take a look at John knows about my interest in ARDF, and we are
still looking for people to help round out the US ARDF team for the World
Championships that will be held Oct. 13 - 18 in Nanjing, China. End of OT

In response to the reply about hams not needing to know Morse code anymore,
that is not correct except for the new Technician entry level class; all
others need only 5 WPM though.

Marvin, KE6HTS (soon to be an Extra shortly after April 15, 2000!)
Received on Mon Feb 14 2000 - 16:19:23 GMT

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