virtual hamfest was Re: couple of books, spring cleaning

From: Mike Ford <>
Date: Tue Feb 15 15:58:03 2000

> You volunteering for Transportation Coordinator, Mike?????
> It's a dirty job, but somebody.......
> Cheers
>John KB6SCO
>PS: How many Listmembers are also Hams? I know of at least ten or
>so of us... dah-dit dah-dit dah dah dit-dah..... QRZ?

WHAT! You aren't suggesting we let those guys with the weird radios mix
with our vintage computers at this hamfest are you? <running ducking etc.>

Maybe we should consider creating/hijacking a alt.hamfest newsgroup?
Received on Tue Feb 15 2000 - 15:58:03 GMT

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