Pomona CA hamfest, Sat (now) ASR33

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Sat Feb 19 02:28:10 2000

Last month at the Cal Poly Pomona hamfest I noticed one of the hams had a
sign on the back of his car "Teletype 33 forsale", never found him at his
spot though for any details, and the spot watcher didn't know anything.

3rd Saturday of the month, TODAY, is the hamfest at Cal Poly Pomona in
soCal. I will be on a short leash, arriving a little after 7, and scheduled
to be shot if I am not gone shortly after 9 am. Look for a big nerd with a
bucket, stupid hat is optional (mine, not yours).
Received on Sat Feb 19 2000 - 02:28:10 GMT

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