Amiga and BSD o/s

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Mon Feb 21 21:49:02 2000

--- Gary Hildebrand <> wrote:
> Hello, all you guys out there
> I'm wanting to try out one (or both) of Open BSD and NetBSD on my lil' ol'
> Amiga -- I really need someone who has gone through the teething process of
> formatting drives and instaling necessary files, etc.

I haven't installed either on an Amiga myself, but I would recommend Open BSD
( for one important reason: drivers for
my card, the GG2 Bus+ Zorro-to-ISA bridge, are included! Completely self-
serving, I know, but there it is. For the curious Amiga owner, the GG2 Bus+
web page is at


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Received on Mon Feb 21 2000 - 21:49:02 GMT

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