> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dan Kolb <daniel.kolb_at_corpus-christi.oxford.ac.uk>
> To: <port-vax_at_netbsd.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, 22 February 2000 5:20
> Subject: Re: How many Vaxes?
> > On a semi-related note, what sort of Vaxen do people on this list
My list of personal VAXen:
1 MicroVAX-II in BA-123 w/9MB & RD54 (154MB), TQK50 and TU80 (Dilog
controller), SRC COMBOARD-Q, DZV-11, uninstalled KDA50, running VMS 6.1
1 MicroVAX-II in BA-23 w/9MB & RD54, KDA50, DZV-11 and DEQNA, running VMS 5.5
1 MicroVAX-I in BA-23 w/4Mb & RD52, DZV-11 running MicroVMS 4.2
1 MicroVAX-I parts machine
1 VAX 8300 w/16Mb & RA81 (450Mb), 3rd party SDI-to-ESDI bridge w/two 1.2GB
ESDI disks, KDB50, unresponsive DEBNT (cable problems?) running VMS 5.5
1 MicroVAX 2000 w/10Mb? & RD54, DHT32 8-port expander, TK50Z-FA
1 MicroVAX 2000 untested w/external RD54 box
3 VAXstation 2000 untested w/mice, keyboards, mono monitors.
1 VAX-11/750 w/8Mb & RA81 w/DMF-32, Massbus interface (TU78 is 220V and was
not moved with CPU), SI9900 disk interface w/Fuji 160Mb+Eagle disks,
multiple Emulex 16-port serial cards, UDA-50, 56K DEC sync card for DDCMP,
RUX50 interface, TU80 interface, LP11 interface, s/n BT000354, running VMS
1 VAX-11/750 w/14Mb, multiple DZ-11, TS-11 controller, Massbus controller,
SI 9900 controller, Fuji Eagles and RM03s not moved with CPU due to
transportation problems.
1 VAX-11/730 w/5Mb & RB80 (121Mb), DMF-32, VMS 5.4
With all of that, only one MicroVAX-II, one MicroVAX 2000 and the VAX 8300
have been powered on in the past year. The Unibus VAXen are in deep storage.
On the way is a VAXstation 3100-90 w/64MB and 1.5GB disk, TLZ30 and TK50Z-GA,
but no ETA as of yet. :-(
Infinet has been sold. The domain is going away in February.
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Received on Mon Feb 21 2000 - 22:08:41 GMT