CQD-440 manual?

From: Daniel T. Burrows <dburrows_at_netpath.net>
Date: Sat Jul 1 06:24:49 2000

>Help! The manual (switch settings and the like) for the CMD CQD-440 used to
>be on-line but I can't find it anywhere (Google has let me down, alas)
>If someone has the pointer please send it or post it! Thanks,

IIRC the 420 is a 440 without the differential side populated, Here is the
440 manual save in text from their site, If you the original HTML version I
have it also.

    CMD Technical Support
    CQD440/443 Qbus Controller Installation Guide
    The QBUS CONTROLLER is an intelligent high performance Q-Bus
single-ended or
    differential (sync/async) SCSI Host Adapter with dual SCSI ports. The
    CONTROLLER is fully compatible with the DEC Mass Storage Control
    (MSCP) and Tape Mass Storage Control protocol (TMSCP).
    The QBUS CONTROLLER can be used with the LSI-11/23, PDP-11/23+,
    Micro-PDP-11/53, 11/73, 11/83, 11/93, MicroVAX II, and MicroVAX III, VAX
    4000 and DECsystem 5400 systems. It supports RT-11, TSX, DSM-11, ISM-11,
    RSX, RSTS, VMS, UNIX, ULTRIX, and other operating systems which use
CQD-440/TM Disk and Tape (P44010A in U79 and P44009A in U93)
CQD-440/TMP Disk/Tape with Passthru (P44010A in U79 and P44009A in U93)
CQD-440/TMS Disk/Tape with Hardware Shadowing
                (P44010A in U79 and P44009A in U93)
    CQD-443 has the MicroVAX-3 metal mounting bracket, otherwise is the same
Board Size Quad Wide Q-bus
Emulation MSCP (DU driver) / TMSCP (TU driver)
Bus Interface Standard MicroVAX or LSI-11 Q-bus
Addressing 18- or 22-bit Addressing
Interrupt Priority Level 4 or 5
Interrupt Vector Software programmable
Transfer Mode Normal or block mode DMA
Command Queuing Commands with optimized seek
Data Buffer Capacity Virtual data buffer (infinite size)
Bootstrap Auto bootstrap or utility bootstrap
Defect Management Dynamic defect management
Software Supported All standard DEC operating systems
Multiple-Hosting Support multiple-hosting for disks, optical drives
                        and tapes.
Formatting On board format and bad block replacement
                        (ISO standard for optical erasable disk format)
Partitioning 2 or 4 equally divided partitions for disk drives
Shadowing Any two disk drives of equal size on the bus can
                        form a shadow set (for /TMS version only)
Optional Software Tape Monitor Utility (TMU)
                        SCSIformat ON-LINE (FMT)
                        SCSI Library Manager (SLM for /TMJ only)
LED Indicators Self test, error conditions
Peripheral Interface Single Ended SCSI
SCSI Transfer Rate: 10.0-MB/sec in Sync 7.0-MB/sec in Async
SCSI Bus Parity Odd parity
Devices Supported 7 SCSI devices disk or tape
System Performance disconnect/reconnect, multiple-host
SCSI Cable Length Single ended, up to 20-feet (6-meters), Single-ended
                        fast up to 9 Feet and Differential narrow up to
                        82 feet
Operating Temperature 5 to 50 degrees C
Relative Humidity 10% to 90% , Non-condensing
Power 5V DC 2.0 A
    Selecting CSR Address
    Before you install the QBUS SCSI host adapter under the VMS, Ultrix or
    operating system you must select the Control and Status Register (CSR)
    address. If /T(tape only), then the appropiate tape csr is required. If
    /M(disk only), then the appropiate disk csr must be selected. If the
    function /TM controller is enabled so that both disk and tape are
    two CSR addresses are required, one for disk and the other for tape. If
    is being used as a tape only or disk only, then select the single
    CSR. Click here for help in CSR Address selection.
        Host Adapter Switch and Jumper Selections
        Host Adapter ID Selections
SW2-1 SW2-2 SW2-3 Initiator ID
ON ON ON Host adapter ID=7, highest priority (F)
ON ON OFF Host adapter ID=6
ON OFF ON Host adapter ID=5
ON OFF OFF Host adapter ID=4
OFF ON ON Host adapter ID=3
OFF ON OFF Host adapter ID=2
OFF OFF ON Host adapter ID=1
OFF OFF OFF Host adapter ID=0, lowest priority
Note (F) means factory setting.
        Switch Settings
SW2-4 ON Enable tape fast search option
SW2-4 OFF Normal operation (F)
SW2-5 ON Tape Monitor Utility enabled (/T, /TM)
              Disk SCSIformat ON-LINE enabled (/M, /TM)
SW2-5 OFF Tape Monitor Utility disabled (F)
              Disk SCSIformat ON-LINE disabled (F)
SW2-6 ON Tape sync mode disabled
SW2-6 OFF Tape sync mode enabled (F)
SW2-7 ON Disk sync mode disabled
SW2-7 OFF Disk sync mode enabled (F)
SW2-8 OFF Reserved (F)
SW2-9 OFF Reserved (F)
SW2-10 OFF Reserved (F)
        CQD-440 Pin Assignments
W1 IN Differential SCSI terminator power enabled (F)
W1 OUT Differential SCSI terminator power disabled

W2 1-2 IN Single-ended Active Termination (F)
W2 2-3 IN Single-ended Passive Termination

W3 1-2 IN Reset
W3 2-3 IN NMI (F)

W6 IN Single-ended SCSI terminator power enabled (F)
W6 OUT Single-ended SCSI terminator power disabled

W7 OUT Reserved (F)

W8, W9 IN Single-ended channel enabled (F)
W11, W12 IN
W4 & W5 IN

W9, W10 IN Differential channel enabled
W12, W13 IN
W4 & W5 OUT

W14 IN Reserved (F)
W15 1-2 IN Reserved (F)
W16-1 OUT 0.8-us DMA dwell time
W16-2 OUT 1.6-us DMA dwell time
W16-3 IN 3.2-us DMA dwell time (F)
W16-4 OUT 6.4-us DMA dwell time

W17 1-2 IN Eprom Size 512-Kbit or 1-Mbit
W17 2-3 IN Eprom Size 256-Kbit

W18 OUT 0 Wait State for Eprom Cycles (F)
W18 IN 1 Wait State for Eprom Cycle

W19-1 OUT Reserved (F)
W19-2 OUT Reserved (F)
W19-3 OUT Reserved (F)

W20 1-2 IN Adaptive DMA enabled (F)
W20 2-3 IN Adaptive DMA disabled

W21 1-2 IN Adaptive DMA Dwell enabled (F)
W21 2-3 IN Adaptive DMA Dwell disabled

W22 1-2 IN Block mode DMA enabled (F)
W22 2-3 IN Block mode DMA disabled

W23 IN Auto-Bootstrap address=773000 (F)
W23 OUT Auto-Bootstrap address=771000

W24 1-2 IN Auto-Bootstrap disabled (F)
W24 2-3 IN Auto-Bootstrap enabled

W25 OUT Reserved (F)
W26 OUT Reserved (F)
W27 OUT Reserved (F)
W28 OUT Reserved (F)
W29 OUT Reserved (F)
W30 OUT Reserved (F)
W31 1-2 Interrupt level 4 (F)
W31 Cut Interrupt level 5--cut connection
                  between 1-2
W32 1-2 22-Bit addressing (F)
W32 Cut 18-Bit addressing--cut the connection 1-2

Note (F) means factory setting.
        CQD-440/TM CSR Addresses (Disk Only)P44009A
Addr LSI-11 Micro VAX SW1-1 SW1-2 SW1-3 SW1-4 SW1-5
1 17772150 200001468 ON ON ON ON ON
2 17760334 200000DC ON ON ON ON OFF
3 17760354 200000EC ON ON ON OFF ON
4 17760374 200000FC ON ON ON OFF OFF
5 17760340 200000E0 ON ON OFF ON ON
6 17760344 200000E4 ON ON OFF ON OFF
7 17760350 200000E8 ON ON OFF OFF ON
8 17760360 200000F0 ON ON OFF OFF OFF
9 17760364 200000F4 ON OFF ON ON ON
10 17760370 200000F8 ON OFF ON ON OFF
11 17760400 20000100 ON OFF ON OFF ON
12 17760404 20000104 ON OFF ON OFF OFF
13 17760410 20000108 ON OFF OFF ON ON
14 17760414 2000010C ON OFF OFF ON OFF
15 17760420 20000110 ON OFF OFF OFF ON
16 17760424 20000114 ON OFF OFF OFF OFF
17 17760430 20000118 OFF ON ON ON ON
18 17760434 2000011C OFF ON ON ON OFF
19 17760440 20000120 OFF ON ON OFF ON
20 17760444 20000124 OFF ON ON OFF OFF
21 17760450 20000128 OFF ON OFF ON ON
22 17760454 2000012C OFF ON OFF ON OFF
23 17760460 20000130 OFF ON OFF OFF ON
24 17760464 20000134 OFF ON OFF OFF OFF
25 17760470 20000138 OFF OFF ON ON ON
26 17760474 2000013C OFF OFF ON ON OFF
27 17760500 20000140 OFF OFF ON OFF ON
28 17760504 20000144 OFF OFF ON OFF OFF
29 17760510 20000148 OFF OFF OFF ON ON
30 17760514 2000014C OFF OFF OFF ON OFF
31 disable disk OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF
        CQD-440/TM CSR Address Selections (Tape Only)P44010A
Addr LSI-11 MicroVAX SW1-6 SW1-7 SW1-8 SW1-9 SW1-10
1 17774500 20001940 ON ON ON ON ON
2 17760404 20000104 ON ON ON ON OFF
3 17760444 20000124 ON ON ON OFF ON
4 17760504 20000144 ON ON ON OFF OFF
5 17760544 20000164 ON ON OFF ON ON
6 17760410 20000108 ON ON OFF ON OFF
7 17760450 20000128 ON ON OFF OFF ON
8 17760454 2000012C ON ON OFF OFF OFF
9 17760414 2000010C ON OFF ON ON ON
10 17760420 20000110 ON OFF ON ON OFF
11 17760460 20000130 ON OFF ON OFF ON
12 17760510 20000148 ON OFF ON OFF OFF
13 17760514 2000014C ON OFF OFF ON ON
14 17760520 20000150 ON OFF OFF ON OFF
15 17760550 20000168 ON OFF OFF OFF ON
16 17760554 2000016C ON OFF OFF OFF OFF
17 17760560 20000170 OFF ON ON ON ON
18 17760604 20000184 OFF ON ON ON OFF
19 17760610 20000188 OFF ON ON OFF ON
20 17760614 2000018C OFF ON ON OFF OFF
21 17760620 20000190 OFF ON OFF ON ON
22 17760644 200001A4 OFF ON OFF ON OFF
23 17760650 200001A8 OFF ON OFF OFF ON
24 17760654 200001AC OFF ON OFF OFF OFF
25 17760660 200001B0 OFF OFF ON ON ON
26 17760704 200001C4 OFF OFF ON ON OFF
27 17760710 200001C8 OFF OFF ON OFF ON
28 17760714 200001CC OFF OFF ON OFF OFF
29 17760744 200001E4 OFF OFF OFF ON ON
30 17760750 200001E8 OFF OFF OFF ON OFF
31 17760754 200001EC OFF OFF OFF OFF ON
32 disable tape OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF
        On-Board Utility
        The Utility can be accessed through the system console or the RS-232
        Port on the CQD-440 or CQD-443. The CQD-440 uses a 10-pin RS-232
        The CQD-443 uses the same RS-232 MMJ cable used on the MicroVAX-3.
        To access the On-Board Utility through the RS-232 port, plug in the
        cable and power-on or Restart the computer. The On-Board Utility
        display on the screen. Be sure to set the terminal to 9600 baud, 8
        data, and no parity.
        Accessing the Utility Through the LSI or VAX System
        The On-Board Utility Program can be accessed by means of an ODT
        for LSI and VAX systems.
        The above information can be changed without notice.
        Rev. Date: A = 04-15-96
        Goto top of this page.
Received on Sat Jul 01 2000 - 06:24:49 BST

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