Getting a good job

From: R. D. Davis <>
Date: Sat Jul 1 08:14:01 2000

On Sat, 1 Jul 2000, Carlos Murillo wrote:
> real world_ are, well, too simplistic. Electrons cannot be
> bribed to obey economics rather than Kirchhoff, period.
> Yet, that seems to be a hard point to sell to politicians
> and economists.

Well, consider what you were dealing with; politicians and economics
typically appear to live in their own strange little worlds, far from
reality. Do you atually expect them to believe that electrons can't
be bribed or that such people as Kirchoff could possibly know more
than they know about anything? Now, on the other hand, I'm sure that
they, along with the marketing people, believe that electricity is
something that comes from great big glowing lightbulbs that people
carry around in wagons, wheelbarrows, etc., and these people also
expect us believe this as well. Note: the aforementioned is in
reference to the inane "Electricity: You use it, now you choose it"
commercials and printed advertisements pertaining to people being able
to choose which utility company to purchase their electricity from.

R. D. Davis             
Received on Sat Jul 01 2000 - 08:14:01 BST

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