Getting a good job

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 13:08:28 2000

This supports what I've long maintained, i.e. that management doesn't know
the difference between "good" work and what you get when your people are
overstressed and overworked. Too many managers see labor as a pool at
which to direct money, and whenever the number of man-hours per dollar goes
up, they're proud, regardless of the quality. Likewise, that old saw about
doing a good job doesn't wash any more in the face of management's behavior
of buying lots of cheap help based strictly on credentials.

However, that's the world we live in. As soon as the reality becomes one in
which they can import two bodies from Bangladesh, who, by the way, probably
have a better education and speak and write a better english than the
typical U.S. engineering grad, for less than what they pay you, it's time to
work up a current resume'.

When you move on, make sure it's for more money, as every manager knows that
more money's a good reason for changing jobs. They don't understand that
you'd sometimes like to use that boat you bought with your last raise, and
maybe seeing the kids on Christmas or the 4th of July might be nice.

Nobody will understand getting a job you like better if it's not for more
$$$, and in today's market, nobody faults you for leaving, even after a
short time, if you get 10% or better for making the move.


----- Original Message -----
From: Eric J. Korpela <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2000 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: Getting a good job

> > > At 80+ you still get to go home. It gets hard when 130+ is required
> > > more than a few weeks in a row. My personal record is 152 work hours
> >
> > When sleep is reduced, then it can have a negative impact on one's
> > health - talke a look, there's plenty of evidence out there in the
> > psychophysiological damage that this can cause.
> If course it has a negative impact, both physically and psychologically.
> The question is, which has the greatest impact a couple weeks lack of
> or failure of a major project. (Of course I'm talking management side.
> Even here, the staff engineers work a 40 hour week in general. For the
> scientist, it's the culmination of 3-10 years of work.)
> > (e.g. the droves of H/J visa employees being hired by
> > U.S. employers to replace U.S. citizens who won't work long hours for
> > peanuts). Perhaps we need to tar and feather a few politicians; can't
> > think of a much better solution at the moment.
> The bulk of politicians seem unaware and take the claims of the high tech
> industry leaders at face value. If you haven't called your congress
> with your concerns, you should. If course, here in CA, your congress
> won't listen to a constituent without a briefcase full of unmarked bills.
> People in small states have more clout.
> Eric
Received on Sun Jul 02 2000 - 13:08:28 BST

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