OT: Old Pentium Motherboard data
My problem originally was that I didn't recognize it as being an FIC board.
Once I hit their site. to which I got a link via a guy in a newsgroup, it
was dirt simple pulling up the databook. A couple of days later Will
Jennings dropped by to go spelunking in my basement, and had the user manual
with him. I had already used the info from the web to set up to board for
use as a server on a small LAN. If I'd needed to squeeze the most
performance out of it, I might have had a problem, but it's using a 75 MHz
single-supply Pentium, which is easy to set up.
----- Original Message -----
From: James B. DiGriz <jbdigriz_at_dragonsweb.org>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Old Pentium Motherboard data
> On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Richard Erlacher wrote:
> > Gee, that was a long time ago. I got the necessary data the same day
that I
> > posted this plea. I've now got the manual physically taped to the
inside of
> > the box where this board lives. You're right in that it was OT, but I
> > know a way to ask for information that someone might have on products in
> > this category without running the risk of violating the 10-year rule. I
> > believe it was marked OT.
> Wasn't griping. Just foolin' with you. That's why the "j/k".
> >
> > I was under the impression that this thing was 10-years old, however.
> > a really old and primitive board. I use it as a Netware server, and it
> > works fine. The previous motherboard was needed to replace one
identical to
> > it that had stopped working for a friend of mine. It seemed easier to
> > him have the other board since it would help with his confidence.
> >
> 'bout the same age as the PCChips M550 in the machine I'm typing this on,
> and it was first sold in '95, I think. I'm running an MII-300 in it right
> now. Works fine for what I need it to do, but of course it's totally
> obsolete now. You have to do some real digging on Hsing Tech's .tw ftp
> site (not the .com) to find just the bios. No manual, though. If it wasn't
> reasonably well marked and similiar to the M558 and M559 boards for
> which the manuals ARE available, I'd have been up the creek.
> Somebody really does need to be archiving, not just linking, motherboard
> techinfo. Hang the copyrights, too.
Received on Mon Jul 10 2000 - 16:53:22 BST
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