>From what I've been reading in the last couple of months it was neither -
both Steve Jobs and Gates toured Xerox PARC in the late 70s; Lisa at this
point was already in development but needed a front end so the Lisa team
took some of the ideas from Smalltalk running on the Xerox STAR and improved
on them to develop the QuickDraw primitives found in Lisa. Gates apparently
got more ideas from when Microsoft were at Apple while Apple were helping
them develop software for the Mac that was being worked on at the same time.
2 of the main developers of the Mac platform were Bruce Horn and Jef Raskin,
their side of things can be found here:
Follow the link at the bottom of the screen. Makes for interesting reading
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Vohs [mailto:netsurfer_x1_at_hotmail.com]
> Sent: 08 July 2000 21:37
> To: classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
> Subject: Another tech legend for discussion!
> I have another tech legend to be dicussed:
> It is generally believed that the Apple Lisa is what spurred
> Bill Gates to
> create Windows. But recently I have read something that says
> it was *not*
> the Lisa that inspired Bill Gates, but that it was VisiCorp's VisiOn
> software (remember that, yeah, me neither!). So my question
> is: Which one
> was it? Was it Lisa or VisiOn?
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Received on Fri Jul 14 2000 - 05:40:53 BST