Fwd: RT-11 capable systems in Ann Arbor, MI

From: John Foust <jfoust_at_threedee.com>
Date: Wed Jun 14 08:03:33 2000

>X-Sender: jfmjfm_at_srvr5.engin.umich.edu (Unverified)
>Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 09:14:36 -0400
>To: microscopy_at_sparc5.microscopy.com
>From: "John F. Mansfield" <jfmjfm_at_engin.umich.edu>
>Subject: Surplus Equipment going cheap (not free).
>I have the following surplus equipment that is destined for the
>recycle dumpster if no-one is interested.
>1. Two Tracor TN5500 XEDS systems.
> a. One system has a 30Meg hard disk drive, two 5.25 Syquest
>removable hard disks (both failed) and two floppy disks one 5.25" and
>one 8". There are actually two 5.25" disks and two 8" disks in a
>separate subsystem, but the hard ware only supports two floppies at
>one time and so we have one of each set up. A standard Tracor
>keyboard with keypad and monitor is supplied. The system does not
>have a printer. We modified it so it would run without a printer and
>if we need print out we have a couple of switch boxes that directs
>the print out to a Mac (PC can be substituted). We also have the HP
>plot software and this is directed to a program on the Mac that can
>then send the plot to a laser printer or can save it for pasting into
>word processing documents.
>The system has the imaging package that will allow the computer to
>control the microscope (it is setup for a JEOL 2000FX) and record
>STEM and SEM images and XEDS maps. The software includes SMTF and
>SQMTF. The system has an almost new refurbished light element
>detector (detects down to C). System also has a license for RT-11,
>the DEC operating system and it can run an FTP server for removal of
>spectra and images to a remote computer. Make an offer.
> b. The second system is floppy based and also has imaging
>which is setup for an SEM whose manufacturer evades my memory, but if
>anyone is interested I will obviously find out for you. This system
>has a Be window XEDS detector with it. Make an offer.
>2. Liquid nitrogen cold stage for JEOL 2000 FX Gatan double tilt (old
>model 613 upgraded to double tilt). Sample airlock pumps dewar jacket.
>Make an offer.
>3. A Perkin Elmer 5400 data acquisition computer (6809 chip running IDRIS).
>I also have a Be window XEDS detector that is non functional that
>fits the high angle port of a JEOL 2000FX
>In each case the buyer pays shipping.
>Dr. John Mansfield CPhys MInstP
>North Campus Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory
>417 SRB, University of Michigan
>2455 Hayward, Ann Arbor MI 48109-2143
>Phone: (734) 936-3352 FAX (734) 763-2282
>Cellular Phone: (734) 358-7555
>(Leaving a phone message at 936-3352 is preferable to 358-7555)
>Email: jfmjfm_at_engin.umich.edu
>URL: http://emalwww.engin.umich.edu/people/jfmjfm/jfmjfm.html
>Location: Lat. 42? 16' 48" Long. 83? 43' 48"
Received on Wed Jun 14 2000 - 08:03:33 BST

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