VCF Europa Update

From: Aaron Christopher Finney <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 13:14:48 2000

Well, like when I asked a friend of mine to help me with my German
(20-year native speaker)...every specific question was met with, "I don't
*know* vy, ve just say it zat vay..."

On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, John Wilson wrote:

> Kids have it easy since their brains are a lot more receptive to just picking
> up patterns w/o basing them on rules. So when they learn a language, they
> just get a feel for what "sounds right" and that's it, the rules of grammar
> can come as a total shock to them years later but they were obeying most
> of them all along anyway.
Received on Wed Mar 08 2000 - 13:14:48 GMT

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