Red Erasors

From: John Wilson <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 03:06:20 2000

On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 12:31:02AM -0800, Marvin wrote:
> Gosh, I didn't realize gold oxidized :). Second, while I also use erasors to
> clean gold fingers, I would fully expect any abrasive material to remove
> some of the gold. How much? Darned if I know.

Somewhere in the old DEC maintenance fiche there's a discussion about this.
They claimed the amount taken off by an eraser was pretty significant
(something like 1/10 of the plating each time you rub it down with the
eraser, but maybe they were a tad enthusiastic in their tests) and so it
was a really bad idea, they had some vile chemical that they wanted the FS
folks to use instead.

John Wilson
D Bit
Received on Mon Mar 13 2000 - 03:06:20 GMT

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