Why etc.

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Mon Mar 13 02:02:23 2000

>> 2) You can never have enough paper towels, windex, ScotchBrite, screws,
>> shunts, ajax, Iso Alcohol, sponges, paper for notes, space, light,
>> outlets, patience, powerbars, wire, pens, media, test equipment, smarts.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Related to that : Never forget that the best piece of test gear that you own
>is your brain. A good brain (== knowing what you're doing) beats any

Unfortunately most of the time I don't have a brain available to use, so a
big box of spares comes in handy. I was working on a bunch of dirty old
systems this weekend and gave wearing a pair of latex gloves a try. Seems
like I got poked less, and no question hands were clean at the end. Real
test is later this week when I do a batch of cleaning with solvents.
Received on Mon Mar 13 2000 - 02:02:23 GMT

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