GRiD 2270s

From: Bill Bradford <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 00:37:01 2000

Anybody know where I can get info on these? I picked up 3 of them today,
complete with batteries, but no power supplies or pens (they can be used as
a "flat pad" mode, with a pen, or the screen flips up to reveal the keyboard).

Any info would be appreciated.


| Bill Bradford | |
+-------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-------+-----------------------------------------+
| Version: 3.12 GCS d- s:++ a- C++++ US++++ P+ L- E--- W+++ N++ o K+++ w---   |
| O- M-- V- PS PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5 X- R-- tv+++ b++++ DI++++ D++ G++ e++ h r++ y+ |
+--------END GEEK CODE BLOCK--------------------------------------------------+
Received on Tue Mar 21 2000 - 00:37:01 GMT

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