Large qty of GRiD external floppy drives available

From: Bill Bradford <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 18:55:08 2000

Going by the goodwill today, they've got a LARGE quantity of external
floppy drives (probably 15-20 at least) for the 2260 and 2270 models
for $2.95 each. If anybody needs one for their GRiD, let me know, and
I'll pick one up for you (already got one for each of my 2270s).

They look BRAND NEW - no scratches/wear, and the connectors that plug
into the laptop have a little blue plastic bag still over them....

Now, if I could just find a power supply and/or a pen.


| Bill Bradford | |
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Received on Tue Mar 21 2000 - 18:55:08 GMT

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