Almost free 2-port and 4-port fanouts, IEEE 802.3 compliant, Ethernet Version 1.0 and 2.0 compatible AUIs

From: Mike Ford <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 02:28:02 2000

>I'd like to have a single segment of 10Base5 cable, but just for the antiquity
>factor. I only have one vampire tap at the moment (on a transceiver that has
>interchangable media connectors - I have two bases and one actual tap). It's
>not critical, so as I spot really ancient Ethernet stuff I grab it, but items
>that are _that_ old don't float by as often as they used to.

I have I think a couple vampire taps new in the box. Comes from making
offers for the whole box/pallet/etc, something I both regret doing and not
doing. Maybe I will list a few odd bits once I get that kind of stuff
sorted out a bit more.
Received on Wed Mar 22 2000 - 02:28:02 GMT

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